
Macro Trends Analysis: Automation, Artificial Intelligence, and the Implications for Labor

Get Answers To: What are the biggest near-term impacts of and opportunities to leverage automation?

The expansion of automation and artificial intelligence is radically changing labor.

Experts predict robots will take over “dull, dirty, and dangerous” tasks, freeing up employees for more meaningful work. In-store automation is exploding with self-checkout and virtual help. In some travel centers, process automation with AI tools is already augmenting or replacing human decisions in back offices. Elsewhere, machines are handling goods, autonomous driving assistance is lowering the burden on drivers, and automation can load and unload rigs.

Jonathan Hanak, a partner/principal with EY-Parthenon, and Courtney Rickert McCaffrey, EY global geostrategic business group insights leader, will present new EY-Parthenon research on this macro trend and its impact on the travel center industry, answering:

  • What are the likely scenarios for automation and the forces they will exert?;
  • What are the biggest near-term impacts and opportunities to leverage automation?;
  • What advantages will players that significantly employ automation have over slow adopters?; and
  • What are the technology access implications for small operators?

Macro Trends Analysis: Supply Chain Shifts and the Implications for Long-Haul Trucking

Get Answers To: What will happen to the routing of long-haul, and are there any significant “winning” or “losing” geographies for truckstops?

A reorienting of global supply chains is underway, which is changing truck traffic within the United States. 

Manufacturing is significantly shifting to more near-shoring and friend-shoring, urbanization is increasing, and supply chains are adjusting from “just in time” to “resilient” which is pushing more inventory into distribution centers and retailers. These trends, paired with policy trends toward industrial policy and significant climate pressure on transportation, will impact who visits your truckstop and when.

Jonathan Hanak, a partner/principal with EY-Parthenon, and Courtney Rickert McCaffrey, EY global geostrategic business group insights leader, will present new EY-Parthenon research on this macro trend and its impact on the travel center industry, answering:

  • What are the implications for short and long-haul trucking?
  • What will happen to the number of trips and miles traveled over-the-road (vs. intra-day trips)?

 What will happen to long-haul routing, and are there any significant “winning” or “losing” geographies for truckstops?

Breakfast Panel: Alternative Fuel and Clean Energy Policy: Threats and Opportunities for State Engagement

Get Answers To: How you should engage with regulators at a state level.  

Due to the gridlock in Washington, state and local officials will wield a disproportionate amount of influence over consequential energy policy decisions–including effectuating laws and regulations that will shape the market for lower carbon transportation fuels. Recent state energy policies, including tax incentives for renewable jet fuel and prohibitions of ICE vehicles, are creating challenges for the liquid renewable fuels that our industry sells. Join LeeAnn Goheen, NATSO’s Senior Director of NATSO’s Government Affairs, and a panel of state execs for a conversation about potential opportunities for engagement at the state level for lower carbon alternatives. 

Moderator: LeeAnn Goheen, NATSO’s Senior Director of NATSO’s Government Affairs

Panelists: Grier Bailey, Executive Director at Colorado Wyoming Petroleum Marketers Association; Alessandra Magnasco, Governmental Affairs and Regulatory Director, California, Fuels and Convenience Alliance

Working Session: Non-Retailer Networks: Opportunities, Challenges and Unknowns

Get Answers To: What joint ventures could be across the street for your location(s) in the future so that you can plan to partner with them now?

In the last several years, we’ve seen an explosion of companies from adjacent industries entering the truckstop and travel center space. OEMs like Daimler or new players like Watt EV are creating public spaces for 18-wheelers to fuel. In this working session, attendees will work at their tables to identify threats and opportunities.

Moderators: Christine Schoessler, NATSO; Amy Toner, NATSO Foundation

Capital Solutions for Strategic Growth: Navigating the Current Capital Markets Landscape

Get Answers To: What is the economic forecast for lending?


In today’s dynamic economic landscape, strategic growth initiatives by truck stop and travel center operators demand access to adequate capital resources. Whether pursuing acquisitions, new site construction, raze and rebuilds, store improvements, enhanced technology, or improvements in food and other service offerings, the right capital strategy is critical to achieve and maintain a competitive advantage. During this panel discussion, financial experts will explore the spectrum of available capital solutions. By better understanding the intricacies of different funding options and staying informed about prevailing market conditions, organizations can position themselves for sustained success in their pursuit of growth and innovation.

Panelists: Roger Woodman, Raymond James; Jason Noll, Capital One

The Petroleum Market Outlook Now and into the Future

Get Answers To: What is happening in the fuel market that travel centers need to know?

Description: Denton Cinquegrana, OPIS’ chief oil analyst, will share the outlook for petroleum supply, diesel margins, and hydrogen expansion. He’ll also provide critical information on renewable diesel market share, including feedstock concerns and profitability outlook. You’ll leave knowing exactly which indicators to watch to plan and execute your fuel retail strategy.  

Speaker:  Denton Cinquegrana, Chief Oil Analyst, OPIS