Sponsorship Opportunities
Sponsor the NATSO Foundation’s Fast Forward Focus (Oct. 29-30 in Minneapolis)! The NATSO Foundation is a federally registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and sponsorships to the NATSO Foundation can potentially be claimed as a deduction on your federal taxes.
$7,000 Speaker Sponsor (1 available)
- Introduction of yourself and your company as the sponsor on the main stage
- Introduction of the speaker
- Logo recognition on-site, on the website, on social media
- Includes two registrations
$5,000 Co-Sponsor of Breakfast or Lunch (4 available)
- Logo recognition on-site, on the website, on social media
- Marketing materials may be placed on tables
- Includes two registrations
$5,000 Sponsorship of 30-Minute Focus Group; Private Meeting (3 available)
- Logo recognition on-site, on the website, on social media
- Marketing materials may be placed on tables
- Includes two registrations